One week ago after I came back to Bangalore after having a long and boring vacation I called for a meet with my old friends and some new ones joined us as well. One of the very new member Mahima who wanted to visit places asked for our suggestions and ultimately after a lot of discussions we fixed our next week plan for Nandi Hills which is almost 80 KMs from my place. It was decided that we will go by bike and will start out journey 3:00 AM in morning.
Soon the week passed and came the Day next to which I were supposed to start our Journey . Angel’s Friend Debashree and one more already cancelled their plans. Mahima Bunked her office 3rd time in the week and I was busy celebrating Friendship week meeting Amarjeet and later Neha the same Saturday. Me being whole Saturday didn’t had a chance to sleep for a single minute. Since Mahima bunked her office the same day I advised her to go to Angel’s place and after that I came to know that Angel was not well . Soon after I came to know that one more friend of ours Vivek met with an accident . I was supposed to be on his bike during journey. Abi was busy and he was not picking up my call. Comming back I got a feeling that this trip is going to be cancelled.
After 10:00 PM the real action began. Abi asked me to get a bike from my friend and a friend of his will drive it ( My driving skills are becoming famous ) I got a bike from a friend of mine at 11:00 and while going to filling station I bumped it into a car which was already predicted by Angel. After this bump I found that the chain of my bike is not moving properly but I left it rambharose . Mahima instructed to take a helmet and raincoat as instructed by her didi . I got both of them
It was already 12:00 AM . I saw Angel and Mahima online so I thought that we will start sharp at 3:00 AM. Mahima Wanted to take a nap so she left gtalk and so did Angel . I was so excited that I didn’t slept at all. At 3:00 AM sharp I called Abi he woke up and asked me to call at Angel’s place and get everyone awake. It started from 3:15 AM I started Calling Angel and Mahima but they seemed to be sleeping as they haven’t slept from ages, This continued till 4:30 ultimately I cursed myself and thought that plan is cancelled. After an hour or so I received a call from Angel and then Abi and asked me to get ready as they will start in half an hour. I took my bike and went to a place where I was told to wait for them
After half an hour the gang arrived , Angel was looking like some Lady terrorist from the movie Lamaha and Mahima was in her tomboy look, though I didn’t wasted much time on getup of guys but most of them were in heavy jackets which I always desire for. For a while I got confused as I thought that my bike is not needed. We moved forward and stopped at a small hotel to have puri bhaji . The puris were as hard as papad . The Amount of Puri Angel had made me sure that with a complete puri she can survive for whole month. This was the spot from where photo session began.
The Road tempted everyone to increase their speeds and in the process Abi got caught by the interceptor and was fined. That was a real LOL moment. Abi’s Bike was at 108 speed and Niranjan bhaiya just saw the interceptor and slowed his bike as a result Abi got caught but was fined only a 100, My Bike had its chain misplaced so there was no chance of speeding it. In the way we saw many Racing bikes and a cruiser as well . Niranjan bhaiya and Another Abhishek bhaiya who was on my bike have a great knowledge about bikes. I simply loved the journey . At places we used to stop to take pics take some rest and then start again. When we started nearing Nandi Hills the Road was not like that highway was. At a place when we stopped to take pics we saw a Ducati in its racing speed passing by us.
When we arrived Nandi Hills it was already too late to see the Sunrise so we satisfied ourselves with the complete sun. We roamed around the place and Mahima again gave a little lecture on how to behave with girls online and also complained about my taunts. For the first time I came to know that Angel loves monkeys.Niranjan Bhaiya is always good at sarcasm and Abi was checking out girls everywhere. Though we thought ourselves to be the most late people there but we saw others too. A group was out there with entire sports gear like Badminton, cricket and football as well and we were wondering that how would be the six. We later made plans about Wonder’la and other places hope we visit them soon
While Returning we faced rain at places which used to come and go at times, Finally we had our lunch at a Dhaba Restaurant where we kept pulling Abi’s leg on topic of his GFs.Abi like a celeb kept denying all of them but since his collagemates were there all well we all came to know many things about this flirt as well.I never understand what Mahima and Angel keep talking in each other ears
Though late all of us enjoyed too much . Had a lot of fun and and a lot of laugh. Though they are my online friends but I always feel them life a part of my life since ages .Love you all a lot and thanks for this wonderful experiences
Others thanks for bearing all the typos :o
nice nice!keep writing :)
Как говорилось на Seexi.net драсти!!!!!Пожалуйста мне оч нужен совет...У мя в прошлом месяце была задержка 4 дня сделала в тот же день тест и результат как бы отрицательный но еле заметно 2 полоска но к вечеру пошли меч. В этом месяце также самое тока задержка уже 6 ой день сделала тест отрицательно(((я не понимаю отчего такое происходит что это может быть !!!!!Пожалуйста подскажите)))
Ты, работа, нас не бойся, мы тебя не тронем. Лучший способ избавиться от искушения – это поддаться ему… Не рой другому яму сам. Ограниченность недалеких людей копенсируется неограниченностью их количества! Круче гор могут быть только яйца В человеке все должно быть. (Паталогоанатом)
Спасибо за ответы на все вопросы :) На самом деле узнал много нового. Вот только до конца так и не разобрался что и откуда.
Very nice blog. Me and my Hubbie are planning to visit Nandi Hills next month on our kinetic. Was wondering did you find it safe on the ghat roads, as I would love to ride my kine in parts. Did you guys switch off the bike engine downhill? Need some tips.
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